Dark Color with Robust Taste (aka Grade B) Vermont Maple Syrup

According to the Vermont grading system Vermont maple syrup formerly known as Grade B Maple Syrup, along with Grade A Dark Amber or Grade A Extra Dark Amber, is now described as Grade A Dark Color with Robust Taste. But because this maple syrup grade is so widely known as "Grade B", we have elected to keep a category of its' own that references the old nomenclature. Grade B maple syrup should never be confused as inferior syrup. This Dark and Robust flavor maple syrup grade is delicious and widely popular.

Dark Color with Robust Taste maple syrup (aka "Grade B" maple syrup) is produced at the end of the maple sugaring season in late March into early April. This syrup flavor is the ideal choice for cooking and is used to make traditional Vermont baked beans, breads, cookies, beverages, and main dishes from beef stew to maple glazed chicken kebabs.

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